Cafe - Southampton
Southampton, United Kingdom. We have 87 items in Cafe / Southampton category. Click on name of the company for additional details:
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Pizza Bites (Al Taglio) Ltd 52 Commercial Road
Pop Inn 421 Millbrook Road West
Poppin Cafe 423 Millbrook Road West
Poppy's 392 Shirley Road
Quizno's Subs West Quay Shopping Centre
Radleys Bar & Restaurant 37A Oxford Street
Reggers Cafe York Buildings
Riverside Diner 13 Manor Farm Road
Room For Food 81 Bedford Place
Ruby's Cafe 294 Shirley Road
Select Service Partner Wide Lane, Southampton International Airport
Select Service Partner Ltd Wide Lane
Shakeaway 24 Bargate Level, Bargate Shopping Centre
Sharons 3 Main Road, Marchwood
Snack Attack 14 The Precinct, Holbury Drove, Holbury
Snack Shack 20 Obelisk Road
Starbucks Coffee Above Bar Street
Starbucks Coffee Company 81 Above Bar Street
Sweet Soul Cafe 3 Main Road, Marchwood
Tea Party 1B Lower Northam Road, Hedge End
The Art House 178 Above Bar Street
The Buttery 10 Pound Tree Road
The Coffee Shop 183 Hampton Lane, Blackfield
The Coffee Shop 1B Hatley Road
The Crews Mess 281 Shirley Road
The Happy Eatery 116 Portswood Road
The Shed Marlands Shopping Centre, Civic Centre Road
The Yellow Welly Cafe Building, 14 Shamrock Quay, William Street
Tiffany's 2 Pylewell Road, Hythe
Time Out 183 Hampton Lane, Blackfield
Tomba's Bar 49 Bargate Level, Bargate Shopping Centre
Tucks 102 Shirley High Street
Tucks Cafe 102 Shirley High Street
Valentines 44 Oxford Street
Velsheda's Restaurant Bar Swanwick Shore Road, Swanwick
Yolanda 176 Shirley Road
Yoma 66 Bedford Place
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